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April 06, 2019





观众或许会难以接受很多事,比如说植野与川井一直没有为自己的行为付出代价。然而,比起「坏人都得到惩罚」的童话故事,这样的发展无疑更加真实。之前在 Le feu et le récit 中读到这样一句:Qui manque de goût ne parvient jamais à s’abstenir de faire quelque chose, le manque de goût est toujours un ne-pas-vouloir-ne-pas-faire.(乏味源于不能选择不做) 在『声之形』中,作者并未审判角色并给予他们「符合道德」的结局,这一选择令作品更具有力量。


333. What does Knowing Mean? “Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed intelligere! *» says Spinoza, so simply and sublimely, as is his wont. Nevertheless, what else is this “intelligere” ultimately, but just the form in which the three other things become perceptible to us all at once? A result of the diverging and opposite impulses of desiring to deride, lament and execrate? Before knowledge is possible each of these impulses must first have brought forward its one-sided view of the object or event. The struggle of these one-sided views occurs afterwards, and out of it there occasionally arises a compromise, a pacification, a recognition of rights on all three sides, a sort of justice and agreement: for in virtue of the justice and agreement all those impulses can maintain themselves in existence and retain their mutual rights. We, to whose consciousness only the closing reconciliation scenes and final settling of accounts of these long processes manifest themselves, think on that account that “intelligere” is something conciliating, just and good, something essentially antithetical to the impulses; whereas it is only a certain relation of the impulses to one another. […]

*: Not to laugh, not lament, nor to detest, but to understand Nietzsche, The Gay Science

斯宾诺莎说过:「不笑,不哭,也不恨,而是理解」。尼采在这里说,理解仅是前三种行为间一种特定关系,在理解之前,需有每一种本能展示给我们的认识。故事中所有的欢笑与嘲笑,感动与悲伤的眼泪,「有无根据」的恨,引向了结局的一种理解——在故事中的人物之间,以及观众对于故事。 最后,当作为观众愤怒地批判植野与川井,或是说硝子怒而不争,将也怯弱自私之时,是否会想到,自身的作为与剧中的植野和川井有些许相似。更多时候,审判不仅是对事实的判断,也是一种自我确认与保护——过错与责任与自己无关。然而面对社会中每一个人所遭遇到的不公,又做到了什么,承担了怎样的责任。理解他人的处境很多时候已经十分困难(有多少人可以真正说理解硝子),更不用说为他人(与自己)改变。并不应忘记:与硝子相似的遭遇每时每刻都在我们身边发生着。

豆瓣:2018-09-09 23:12:51
